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miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2019


In the last months, a swedish teenager named Greta Thunberg has been invited to high-level international events like the last United Nations summit and has been promoted in front of the world as the new prophet of climate change activism by the western mass media. Greta has received good praise by a vast majority of politicians as well as the ecologist people, however it has also received criticism by an important sector of the western population. So, should a Swedish teenager be the front face of climate change activism?
On the one hand, their detractors argue that her speeches are childish and emotional, therefore the ones who are behind a girl of such a young age are trying to convince people by emotions instead of rationality. They also argue that their parents are seeking fame and that Greta’s massive exposition will lead her to worsen her mental illnesses, since Greta has been diagnosed of Asperger, which is considered a type of Autism, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Some critics also argue that she has been risen to fame not only for being a very young girl but also because she comes from a rich country, arguing that thanks to its fame their family is now surrounded by many millionaires who have provided and assisted Greta and her parents to resources only available to millionaires like for instance a luxury yatch provided by the Prince of MonteCarlo or a luxury car provided by Arnold Schazzeneger.
On the other hand, their supporters argue that Greta is the Joanne d’Arc of the 21st century, and that their charismatic speeches are sensitizing millions of people around the world to take actions in order to reduce climate change, which is a life-threating issue for the entire planet. Greta’s supporters argue that climate change negationists are trying to mock her in order to attack her message because they do not have powerful arguments against climate change. Her supporters also argue that climate change should be the first priority for politicians all around the world and that young leaders like Greta are inspiring a youth movement all around the world that will help solve climate change.
To sump up, Greta Thunberg has raised high praise by the media while she has received mixed feelings by the people as she is considered a Nobel Peace Prize favorite by some and a puppet by others. My personal opinion is that scientific experts in ecology, physics, geology among others should be the ones who should receive the attention and fame by the media, because the scientists are the ones who can identify how dangerous is climate change for mankind and specially find real solutions for this problem. The mass media is not telling the people that the understanding of the causes and the dynamics of climate change is still in discussion by the scientific community and does not have definitive conclusions by any means.

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